1-quart mason jar with lid
3 cloves garlic
8 sprigs fresh dill (or to taste... I probably used 10-12)
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
1 tablespoon sugar
1 and 1/2 tablespoons salt
2/3 cup white vinegar
1 cup water
Wash the mason jar and lid in hot, soapy water. Rinse well and let air dry.
In a covered container, combine coriander seeds, sugar, salt and vinegar. Close the lid tightly and shake vigorously until the sugar and salt dissolve. Add the water and set aside.
Quarter the cucumbers lengthwise. Peel the garlic cloves and cut in half.
Pack the cucumbers, sliced garlic and dill tightly in the clean mason jar. Pour the brine mixture over the cucumbers. Tap the jar on the counter to release any air bubbles. Top the jar off with extra water if the cucumber tops are exposed.
Screw the lid tightly on the jar, and refrigerate 24 hours before tasting. The pickles last up to one month refrigerated. I assume they last one month, a jar has never lasted more than a week in this house. If you want to give them a little kick you can also add 1teaspoon to 1tablespoon of crushed red pepper flakes to the mix to make em a lil more spicy but they're great either way. I always use at least 15 sprigs of dill and you can NEVER have too much garlic in anything...
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