A couple of weeks ago Kevin (my oldest) asked me if I could make "homemade" chocolate. I instantly said, "WHY? We can buy awesome chocolates from all over the world at the commissary!" but, of course, before the night was over I began looking for ways to "make" chocolate at home. First, I am NOT going to spend the money to make REAL chocolate bars at home, you need roasters, grinders and all sorts of time and space that I just don't have or even have a desire to have. After a while I came across
this gem on instructables.com for chocolates made from cocoa powder and this morning I decided to make it. Thanks to a WONDERFUL gift of a Kitchen Aid stand mixer from my friend Ashley I've lately decided that I can do just about anything in the kitchen. My confidence does open creative cooking doors, but is often comes back to bite me in the ass. I gathered and measured out all the things I needed, read the recipe a few times and set out toward my goal. The very first line of this recipe should be this warning: YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE AN UNHOLY MESS WHILE MAKING THIS!!! I'm pretty sure there is was cocoa powder on every available surface in my very tiny kitchen. Also, when using a european recipe, the measurements aren't exactly the same, so I played around with it a bit. I added some pure vanilla and pure almond extracts and added a bit more powdered sugar to the mix and then put regular sugar on the top of 3/4 of the dish and cayenne pepper on 1/4 (I love the bite of chocolate and pepper) and the result was a not too shabby, truffle consistency chocolate according to my taste testers. Next time I'll actually use a mold and not just made a big block so it'll look pretty =)
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